Asia's most celebrated regional creative festival - founded in 1998 ADFEST brings creatives together from all over the world.

2024 will mark my 6th visit to Thailand's legendary ADFEST festival, where I film, photo and even write the odd story about some of the worlds leading creative minds.
Over the years key note speakers have included the likes of Ted Royer of Droga5, Leo Burnett's Mark Tutssel, AKQA's Rei Inamoto, Jeremy Craigen of Innocean and Joyce King Thomas of McCann XBC. If you've been drawn into an ad campaign over the years, these are the guys who are responsible.
It's been a real pleasure interviewing leading creatives and getting an insight into the advertising world. It's not just video advertising that's on show, but all avenues - one of my favourite ideas over the years saw real life utilitarian objects like post boxes transformed into adverts - let's let Ben Reid of Milk NZ explain.
During my 7 days of ADFESTing, I try to create as many interesting social media posts to supplement the interviews - I find timelapses of the huge yet intricate setting up process are particularly interesting, as well always unique head shot photography of the judges.
I can't wait to see what the next festival delivers.

A rare BTS shot of me!

The worlds hottest art gallery in a parking lot!

The ADFEST 2024 3-day program is now online.
Explore the human mind and embark on a journey to a new wonderland, where creativity knows no bounds.
Get ready to say HI (Human Intelligence) to the new frontier of human creativity.
Is the rise of AI a threat? Not if we move forward with our right foot and left brain.
Human Intelligence. The irreplaceable power of people, of individuals, create sums greater than the whole. Our innate emotions, instinct, imagination, curiosity, languages, and uninhibited creativity allow us to connect the unconnected, and think beyond the logical.
AI is the essential tool with its infinite possibilities.
HI is the indispensable power that makes it all possible.
We create, that is what we do.
Join us to say HI with heart at ADFEST 2024: 21-23 March.